Scroll the full page to view all of our resource listings.Primary Care Practice Transformation
The Health Care Commission’s State Innovation Model (SIM) Practice Transformation initiative is aimed at providing services and technical assistance to primary care practices (PCP) in the state.

What is Practice Transformation?
Transformation Enrollment Info
General Health
Find helpful information for choosing a physician, car seats, and keeping your kids safe. Information regarding immunization, school health, children with special needs, mental health, development, and oral health are also found here. This category also presents resources for school health, childeren with special health care needs, breastfeeding, and oral health.

Need a Pediatrician?
The best way to start looking for a pediatrician is by asking other parents you know and trust….
Choosing a Pediatrician
Delaware Breastfeeding Coalition
Delaware Breastfeeding Resources – PDF
Looking for a Car Seat?
Car Seats
AA Poison Control Centers
School Based Wellness Center
Family Support - Special HC Needs
Promoting Quality HC for All Children
Safe Kids
Oral Health - Local Dentists
Mental health
The DE AAP wants to support pediatricians to integrate medical and behavioral health and collaborate with other health, school, and state professionals to support families’ mental health needs.

Screening Tools
Bright Futures
Trauma Guide - AAP
Connected Kids
Center for Youth Wellness
Depression Screening
Guidelines for Adolescent Depression in Primary Care (GLAD-PC): II. Treatment and Ongoing Management
US Preventive Services
Substance Abuse
Local Resources
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Oral Health
Find a dentist in Delaware. First smile Delaware is a campaign supported by Department of Public Health to encourage children to connect to a dentist by age one.

Find a Dentist in Delaware
Find a dentist in Delaware, and other helpful oral health information.

First smile Delaware
Foster Care
The children in state custody have a right to comprehensive health care that addresses their complex needs. Please contact our executive director if you are interested in learning more about supporting the health of children in foster care or want to become involved.

Task Force Executive Summary
Task Force Report

Nemours Medical Home
The recommended immunization schedule is designed to protect infants and children early in life, when they are most vulnerable and before they are exposed to potentially life-threatening diseases.

Immunization Schedules
Immunization Schedules
Parental Information
Immunizations for Travel
Why you should vaccinate your baby
Why you should vaccinate your baby
Child Development
Child Development Watch- list. From birth to 5 years, your child should reach milestones in how he plays, learns, speaks, acts and moves. Track your child’s development and act early if you have a concern.